Vignoble du Loup Blanc

Vignoble du Loup Blanc

To preserve the nature that surrounds us , observation and common sense guide us .The highest priority is given to the vines so that the raw product is of the highest quality .Terroir wines are a combination of 3 elements that you can’t dissociate , soil,climat and grape variety .We logically orientated ourselves to organic winemaking . Harvest is totally manuel and no chemicals are added anywhere in the process


Top wines from Vignoble du Loup Blanc

Vignobles du Loup Blanc, Regal 2018, Minervois, Languedoc

Vignobles du Loup Blanc, Regal 2021, Minervois

Organic wines
Vegan friendly
From £19.60 per bottle Per mix of six
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